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You're viewing The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Cheat Codes

Game Name : The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
System : DVD Video
Date Added : 2005-06-13 08:04:34
Views : 20792
Watermelon Talk
Select [Special Features] then select [Deleted Scenes] and scroll down to [Special Features]. Use the [Lef arrow key and the watermelon icon will be highlighted. Select [More] and it will bring you to second page. Hit the [Up] arrow and it will highlight the BB. This will talk about the watermelon in the movie.

Hidden Newspaper Article
From the [Main Menu], go to [Special Features] and then to [Deleted Scenes]. Highlight the [Special Features] entry at the bottom of the screen and then press the [Lef arrow to highlight the watermelon. Click on it to see a newspaper article about Perfect Tommy.

Alternate DVD Menu Designs
Highlight the same car on the [Main Menu], and then press the [Lef arrow once again. A yellow button in the top left corner will now be highlighted. Click on it for a look at the disc's original and abandoned menu designs.

Movie Quotes
On the disc's [Main Menu], highlight and click on the car to the left of the screen for a list of quotes from the movie.

Alternate DVD Covers
For dvd cover, select [Special Features] and scroll down with the arrow key to the bottom. Select [More]. Select [Banzi Institute Archives] then scroll down again with arrow key to [Special Features]. Use the [Righ arrow and it will highlight the bb icon and that will show you the alternative covers.

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